BabyGel - Life-Saving Hygiene Hand Gel
Infectious diseases are a huge cause of child death in low-resource settings.
Globally, 5.9m children die each year before their fifth birthday, but many of these deaths could be prevented.
Pneumonia, diarrhoea, sepsis and meningitis are the leading infectious causes of death.

The Babygel Study is a cluster-controlled trial examining the impact of improving hand hygiene in rural Ugandan households using locally-produced alcohol-based hand gel.
It will recruit 6000 participants from hard-to-reach communities in 72 villages in the Mbale District of Eastern Uganda. In these villages, women will be given a birth kit to be used for the first three months after they have had their baby, half of which will contain the gel and instructions on its use. The gel is made locally in Uganda from sugar cane and, if the trial proves successful, could be included in delivery packs for every expectant mother.
The study’s primary outcome measure will be severe infant illness or death in the first 90 days of life. Recruitment was opened in 2020.
This project is part of the EDCTP2 programme supported by the European Union.
This project (RIA2017MC-2029) is part of the EDCTP2 programme supported by the European Union
We are proud of our collaboration with all of our colleagues and partners. Read more about the work at the University of Bergen.
For more information please contact Mira Ebringer.
For the latest news please see the BabyGel newsletter here.Outward BabyGel Newsletter2023